«Kaspersky lab»

MICROSOFT CISCO ORACLE D-Link DAUkey Академия Huawei ICT Schneider Electric УНЛ при НТЦ "ПИБ"

The computers of the laboratory are equipped with modern software of the "Kaspersky lab" company. It allows you to detect attacks and resist malicious programs. Classes in the disciplines "Fundamentals of Information Security", "Information Security and Information Protection", "Methods and Means of Information Security" and others are held in the laboratory. The laboratory is also used to conduct courses on information security and information security. One of the key areas of cooperation between AUPET and the company is the opening of the KasperskyLab center on the basis of the IT-engineering department, which implies the use of software and methodological support of this company by students and university staff for detailed acquaintance, gaining skills and studying the specifics of information security of a new generation.